Saturday, August 23, 2008


Much better day yesterday with respect to self-control. I ended up with 385 calories for the day. That's a little low for me actually but it sure beats going over. I dropped 2.2 pounds; I'm now at 260.4. This gives me a bit of confidence that I'll get back on track and make it to my goal of 254.5 by next Wednesday. About 6 pounds over. The key to yesterday was that I didn't eat when I got home. We went out to dinner at Chester’s last night (great new restaurant in Rochester MN), I didn't eat there either; by the time we got home I just went to bed. I'm going to try to take my calories while I'm at work rather then while I'm at home. Just too tempting and too easy to go over-board there. I'll give it a try for the rest of this week and see how it goes.

So - new rule; no eating while at home.   

I weighed 260.4 today.

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