Thursday, September 18, 2008

An apology to Frito Lay!

I contacted Frito Lay re: what appeared to be  a typo regarding serving size (I blogged about this last month). The difference (this was my mistake) is accounted for by the weight of the hulls vs. the weight of the sunflower seeds themselves. That accounts for what appears to be a difference in the total weight of the product and the serving size which is half the total weight. I'll now be able to go back and adjust my calorie intake for those days I doubled it. Better still, it's good to know that going forward, it's half the calories I thought. 

My compliments also to Frito Lay because the customer service person I talked to was a Certified Nutritionist. I learned quite a bit more about the product and feel like it has been a wise choice in how I spend my calories.

I weighed 254.8 today.

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