Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Very thankful

Just dawning on me the last week or so that it's Nov/Dec - back in March when I started and even more so in April when the weight started dropping consistently, I would calculate that by December I'd be done. Back then or at the start of any diet it's easy to think this way. Just need to stay the course I'm on and by this or that date I'll be thin again. Thing is though, for me, I have had these "crystal ball visions" hundreds of times, typically I'd go a week or two and fail, often only a day or two and fail, one time four years ago I went three and half months and lost 85 lbs only to fail and gain it all back.

I'm not thin yet (I have 70 lbs to lose) but it's a done deal at this point. No going back. In theory 40 lbs is excess skin (surgery will take that away), about 30 lbs to lose 20 of that will be gone this month. I'm thankful to be at this point. It's not just the weight loss or the exercise routine I'm maintaining, I've simply reached a point of no return.

To anyone wanting to lose weight I wish this upon you with all my heart!

I will weigh 219.6 by Jan 1st.

I weighed 237.5 today.

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