Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Down 3

I had to drop my daughter off at the airport in Minneapolis this morning. This put some pressure on me as far as my run goes, but I got her there and me back - I did the run. Lost 3 pounds since yesterday - tomorrow I'll post the entire weeks progress in my blog. The pattern in which my weight drops is so consistent - it has been since the start almost.  I make weight, go up a little for 4-days then drop all I need to over the last three days, seems strange to me that it's like this, that it's not a steady slow drop, but trust that I'm not complaining. 

As I walked back from my run into work, it dawned on me that I had just dropped off my daughter (she's 18), at the airport in the Cities, didn't walk in with her, she's on her way to Colorado to go horseback riding in the mountains - and I'm not even worried. I'd normally be a wreck, but she's growing up (grown up) and I'm sad about that but not worried. 

I hope she's OK because she's my Director of Photography. I need her to shoot my film - now I'm worried. 

I weighed 274.6 today.

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